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Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Limited Time Offer

Speak with a Participating Contractor about how you can get larger rebates from your energy saving upgrades. Under this limited time offer, the average rebate will be increasing by roughly 10%.

To qualify, eligible customers** must complete a Home Energy Audit and a Participating Contractor must reserve your rebates by December 31, 2024.

Participating Contractors reserve rebates by submitting an approved scope of work to the Home Performance Program. All approved work must be completed within 90 days of your reservation approval date.

For more information, contact a Participating Contractor or request an audit today.


**Eligible customers must have an active residential BGE electric account and reside in a single-family residence that is not a condominium or apartment.

Get Rebates with a Participating Contractor!

BGE's participating contractors are Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified. They have been specially trained to perform comprehensive assessments to identify ways to improve home comfort, increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. To qualify for rebates averaging $3,000, you must select a BGE participating contractor for your Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® audit.
BGE does not endorse any particular manufacturer, product, system, design, claim or contractor in promoting this program. Need help choosing a contractor? Request a Home Energy Audit and one of our specially trained contractors will contact you.

Services in which you are interested:
Title Address Contact Information
EDGE Energy 6854 Distribution Drive

Beltsville, MD 20705

A.J. Michaels 4512 York Rd
Baltimore, MD 21212

(410) 435-5400
empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.